Monday, March 1, 2010

New Bike

I'm (hopefully) getting paid at long last :) So, the new bike is being ordered this week, all gong well.

One question, however, remains, and it is of the utmost importance.

It's a different frameset to that one (this, actually), but that link compares all the colours really well. I'm leaning towards the pink at the moment, something nice and flashy, but different at the same time. Anybody who owns one loves it, but a lot of people are a little put off by it.

Answers on a postcard, or preferably by email ;)


  1. You do realise, if you get it in pink, it will be officially the new Big Gay Bike, right? :D

  2. I dunno, I think that pink goes beyond being a Big Gay Bike and well into 'I'm so manly, I can handle it' territory.

    At least it doesn't come with a bell ;)

  3. Depends on what colour your gimp, I mean cycling suit is.

    However, guessing that its a dark/black, pink could work quite well.

  4. I mainly wear black, with some red and white. The red is a bit of a clash, but I'll get over it, I think :D

    Also, haven't got any spandex, just the lycra. Much less gimp like.

  5. Hey, I realise I'm a little late to the homophobe party, just wanted to congratulate you for challenging gender role stereotypes and not letting the mean boys bully you. Shine on you crazy diamond.

    Also, Coronal, how do you define gimp-like? Whatever they're made of, you wear pornography pants for cycling.
