Sunday, February 28, 2010

Getting back there :)

OK, so getting back to anything approximating fitness hasn't been easy. At all. Between moving, ice, moving country, cold cramps in my legs and a nasty head cold, it's been a good ten odd weeks since I've done any real training.

This week has seen my running get back to my old standard. Now, it was shockingly bad then, but at least it's back to where it was and I'm not panting after 2 km. In fact, I think I've gotten a little faster :) The main thing now is to get the endurance in there. Ideally, it'll be adding one kilometer to each run a few times a week, and that should see me build up gradually.

Still waiting for that fixie to arrive, though. Once that happens we'll really be ready to roll :)

*edit, checked the weight there, which is coming in at around 65 kg :( So, 5 kg to lose first, then we can really roll. Shouldn't take too long once I get the road bike. The (hopefully) impending fixie will also go a long way into getting me some much needed exercise. The pink, women's geometry bike with a basket and non-adjustable seat-post one that I have now isn't doing my knees any favours...

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Long time, no chat

It has indeed been a while, probably longer than I've left it before. There are good reasons though. Yeah.

I've been getting some running in the last few weeks, getting out two or three times a week, which is good. I have a rough progress plan made out, which will hopefully build up a kilometer or so a week and start throwing in some interval sessions as well. It's been hard enough going, though, what with the snow, the ice, the not being arsed getting out of bed in the morning (I really don't do before 8 in the morning). You know how it is.

I got bored of walking to work, and the rental bikes we ordered over here weren't forthcoming, so when I got my first payment last month I was a little bold and ordered this for commuting and some other fitness stuff. I ended up getting an amazing deal on it, almost 50% off the RRP due to a bit of a stock mix-up with another bike I ordered, so happy days :) It hasn't arrived yet, but it should within the next week or so. Of course, the day after I ordered it, the rental bikes came... Not that I'm annoyed, since my one has a saddle that's a few inches too low and can't be changed, due to using an archaic half inch bolt. Also, the front brake pads are just the plastic at this stage, which isn't so much fun over compacted snow :0

Again, once the new bike arrives, I shall be getting myself oh so quickly to a range. It's been two months since I've shot at this stage, this is getting ridiculous! I don't think I took this much time off for my exams... Of course, if scores jump like they did the last time, I'll be well happy :D