Then I got it into my head that I could also look up some core strength building exercises. How hard could they be? I mean, surely I have a decent enough core, I've been doing a lot of running and cycling (OK, fine, not recently, but I've a cough and don't have a bike, alright!) and I've never felt I have a poor core. But some toning of it would be good.
Twenty minutes later I'm lying on my floor, not able to do any more. Core is crap, needs work. Whatevs. Stretch, go to sleep, happy days.
Wake up the next day, stomach and sides are in bits. Sitting up now feels like doing fifty stomach crunches at once. I'm feeling muscles in my sides that I didn't really know were there... This will be a much more interesting year than I thought.
So this has been added to the list of things to do. I'm told it'll improve your balance, and generally help you out. I assume this is after the the aches subside.
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